Transform Your Life Through Generational Healing

To become whole you must come to understand that you have more than a physical body. Not only do you have a physical body, but a spiritual body, an emotional body, a mental body, and an aura.  We also have out ancestry recorded in our DNA. 

Generational Healing can help you to let go of unwanted patterns in your life and, in essence,  re-write your story!

You have a divine purpose!  When you experience dis-alignment within you, it clouds and distorts your truth. Trapped emotions wreak havoc within you. Fear of progression, self doubt, feeling stuck, no drive to thrive, depression, anxiety and family trauma are some great examples of the chaos dis-alignment can bring.

I am a  Certified Master Practitioner in Synergistic Healing.  I will teach you how to bring your energy into sync. My goal is to help you find your strength, heal your past and step into your genius by creating a personal legacy! You can learn the power of becoming whole through living the life you were meant to live! Release what's been holding you back and embrace your Divine fulfillment. 

And most definitely, uncover the secrets to your own beautiful SOUL!

Hi, I'm Makay!

Generational Healing SOUL Coach

I’m a generational healer.

And, so are YOU!

I want for you to realize how powerful you are! I am determined to be a leader in awakening the world to break free from the bonds of the past, for each individual to live in personal divine purpose and for YOU to create legacies of strength for your future generations.

Discover how generation trauma, curses, and patterns can weigh down multiple areas of your life. Learn how to identify and release this baggage and explore effective strategies for healing.

Spiritual Body

Mental Body

Emotional Body

Physical Body


Having Makay to support me as I surrendered and stepped into the unknown was priceless. 10/10 recommend her to any of my clients who have deep rooted generational healing to walk through! she truly has the most incredible gift i have experienced

Keeli Martinez

Makay is one of the most authentic and passionate people I have ever had the immediately after seeking her help and our sessions together. I noticed huge shi personal well-being which directly translated into increased productivity, profitabi personally and in my business

John Busch IV,

Regional Vice President of Pike Creek Financial Group

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